This value varies for each trade center (although some modifiers, e.g. Either Rome/more of Italy should be in the Venetian node or maybe you could have a "capital" port which becomes your home node. however i spawned colonialism and global trade in genoa node and there is quite a bit coming from ragusa, so it kinda seems wasted if i swith to english channel.
Let’s check out some of the best countries to play as in EU4. don't recall if ivory coast can be pulled up into inner africa. Would that be genoe or English channel? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. and no, ships in the node don't add trade value, only trade power. I think both Panama and Mexico can be routed to East Asia. something, and only 4 or 5 fish resources and only 1 bronze resource with multiple iron resources (based at 4.5 for bronze and 3.0 for iron). english channel had mostly cloth which rises from 3.60 to like 4. Caribbean is probably the best trade in the Americas. Local trade value also produces production income for the owner of the province directly this income is modified by production efficiency. Portugal wants the same, so they also add trade power. I'd Argue Bordeaux, before the CoP update, that trade node had 4 to 5 times what Antwerp, Venice, even Seville. Trade power depends on the following factors: Provinces, the more provinces you have in a given region, the higher the trade power, for the local node, you are going to generate. I was wondering what is the best trade node to have? I would like to know if there is a best-end-node to collect as much as possible. I'd actually argue that Venice is the worst. > In the game Europa Universalis IV, what is transferring trade power and trade steering? i know phillipines can go to panama but it shouldnt matter with a colonial nation in colombian region (i prefer having either a mexican colony or carribean one controlling it since all the money will flow out of it instead of just some of it).
for high stability, are global for all nodes). castile, aragon, naples, plus potentially a provencial/french alliance held together. very true, you could easily monopolise english channel as both france and england early on, while monopolising genoe would mean spread out wars with aragon/naples early on or even in worst case. If you place a Merchant on an inland Trade Node (ones that are marked Inland), you get a flat big bonus to trade power. 5.6k Posted by u/CorvetteC377 1 day ago Humor. Let's talk about Trade Nodes and Flow in EU4. I suppose I should ask when would be the best time to transfer the primary trade node away from Champagne if I'm unsure. In which case Antwerpen might end up more valuable. But I see the AI nations, even the powerful ones, and they doesn't seems to bother have a lot of light ships. Antwerpen is probably the best for a critical mass of trade, though all 4 nodes fed by W.